Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Identifying The Target Audience- Arran Williams

All products need a target audience in order to produce a successful product. A target audience is defined using a number of conventions. We identify these conventions as:

Socio-economic status.

   As we are producing a zombie thriller, we identified our audience as being, of any gender and race, for an older audience, with the use of frightening scenes, such as 16-25, this age range is typical as it is the age which mostly goes to the cinema, proving to make the institution more money. As the age range is for young adults, the socio-economic status would be between lower working class and lower middle class as young adults are usually just starting their careers.  
    The first type of audience profiling to develop was Demographic Profiling which is used to group the audience into smaller groups depending on variables such as gender. Using the Socio-Economic scale, we distributed that our target audience would be either, C1- Skilled non- manual e.g sales assistants, D Semi- skilled e.g cleaners, or E unemployed.
         Finally, Psychographic Profiling is also used. This is where the profiling presumes the audience to be complex. Young and Rubicam's devised a number of charactersitics such as Aspirers. In our opinion, our zombie thriller would be mainstreamers. This is 40% of the market, which is the largest section. Usually known to buy well- known brand names.

By Arran Williams

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